If you are organizing an event and want to capture the atmosphere in good pictures, we can provide you with as many photographers as you think you need. Please enter all the details of your event in the form below
After you filled out the form, the photographer will contact you directly and you can discuss the details. If you want to ask further questions about our photography service before handing in a request just write to
IMPORTANT: Please note that it may not be possible to find a photographer if the request is submitted very close to the event. In this case we will inform you as soon as we know.

Legal rights
Typically, three “rights” are involved when it comes to photography:
- Copyright
- rights of use
- personal rights
The copyright belongs to the person who created the content, in our case the photographer. Various rights are derived from this, so the rights holder can determine what happens to their photos, under what conditions, etc. You can find
the name of the photographer in the metadata of the photos.
Rights of use
All photos in the archive are made available under CC-BY SA. This means that the photographer allows the photos to be redistributed, edited and even used commercially. The only condition is that attribution is given and that the photos
are only shared under the same license as the original. Further information:
In concrete terms: The photographer gives you permission to print flyers, publish on the homepage, etc., but you must mention the name of the photographer somewhere. If this is not possible in individual cases: contact the photographer,
you will surely find a solution.
Personal rights
Just because the photographer as the rights holder grants you the rights of use does not mean that you can do whatever you want with the photo. There are additional and independent personal rights of the persons depicted. In theory,
they must agree to any use.
ATTENTION: The personal rights become relevant when using/publishing, but not when taking photos. However, we have not had any of the people pictured in the archive sign a modeling
contract – this would not be practically feasible. You can still publish the photos if you can assume that the people pictured would agree to this publication.
Specifically: Use your common sense when publishing photos. People at a party who are smiling at the camera are likely to agree to their use in the gallery about the party on your website. But if your sponsor gets the pictures and
then runs a national advertising campaign with them: it is unlikely that you would have gotten permission for this.
For flyers and posters: If the people are only barely recognizable and get lost in the crowd (or are not a relevant part of the picture as an individual), then it’s not really a problem. Otherwise, however, I would recommend locating
the person and obtaining written consent for the specific use.
Large events have included these rights of use in their general terms and conditions (typically printed on the ticket, or clearly visible on a poster or something in the entrance area). This can be an attempt to protect yourself from
legal action, but it is difficult to say whether it will really stand up in front of a judge. Often there are settlements, i.e. the event pays the person making the complaint a few hundred francs.